Victory for US Citizens against Health Care Law. Judge rules lawsuit to move forward! |
Ohio judge allows third healthcare reform challenge to go forward… |
A federal judge in Ohio has ruled a lawsuit against the healthcare reform can proceed, marking at least the third challenge to get a green light. Two similar lawsuits have been dismissed.
Judge David Dowd of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio issued a split ruling on Monday, dismissing three claims brought by the conservative U.S. Citizens Association but allowing one to move forward. Dowd agreed to hear arguments that the law’s individual mandate — the requirement that people buy insurance — violates the Constitution’s Commerce Clause. The three rejected claims were that the law violates: “It is apparent to the undersigned that the controversy ignited by the passage of the legislation at issue in this case will eventually require a decision by the Supreme Court after the above-described litigation works its way through the various circuit courts,” Dowd wrote. “Against that background, this Court does not intend to write a lengthy opinion with respect to the defendants’ motion to dismiss because the Court’s decision will, in all likelihood, be without relevance by the time this case reaches the Supreme Court.” |
Welcome to the the U.S. Citizens Association web site Since we launched our national media campaign in August 2009, tens of thousands of patriotic Americans have joined our cause to provide the organization and drive necessary to reverse the forces that threaten our nation’s heritage. Why? Because those presently in power are on the verge of changing our country from an economy based on personal liberty to an economy based on government control – and make no mistake, that’s EXACTLY what their goal is. Thanks to our members, we have been able to run over 200 full page newspaper ads and over 2500 full 60-second television spots exposing the truth behind who is really responsible for the economic meltdown; how the cap and trade bill would cripple our economy at every level of production; how these job killing tax schemes would ruin the budgets of working families and small businesses; and how socialized health care would cause more government intrusion into everyone’s privacy while causing health care costs to skyrocket. All of our ads are available for viewing right here on our site and we invite you to take a look. If you agree with what you see, and you’re wondering how to get involved in the fight to save our Constitutional Republic, we would be honored to have you on board as our newest member–and take the first step to becoming an Empowered Citizen. The truth is, those who believe that the government is the solution to everyone’s problems have gained the upper hand over those of us who believe in individual liberty and free markets - not because the liberal philosophy is better, but because they are well organized and well funded. Socialists and statists organize through labor unions, government employee unions, teachers unions, entertainment industry unions, environmental organizations, plaintiff attorney organizations, and political action organizations such as ACORN, Media Matters, and They also receive substantial funding from individuals (like George Soros) and have developed effective fundraising methods, involving Internet campaigns targeting thousands of small donors. These statists have used all of these resources to dupe the public into believing that they are concerned about the environment, minority rights, and the needs of working class families. They use advertising to promote extremist candidates; file lawsuits for liberal causes; and form grass roots organizations to organize and raise even more money to advance big government ideals. In contrast, Conservatives have shown very poor organization. Conservative talk show hosts do a great job, and they reach 30% of the public, which is a great achievement in 20 years. But that is not enough – never mind the fact that those radio show hosts are under constant threat of extinction through the “Fairness” Doctrine. We do have some very fine conservative organizations such as the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and Hillsdale College, but they too do not have enough channels to get their information out to the public through the mainstream media. In essence, Conservatives need an organization with the expertise to compete with the organized efforts of the Statists. This must include getting the positive message of Conservatism and personal liberty out to 100% of the public. It’s time to stop letting the extremists frame the debate and keep Conservatives on the defensive. |
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